List of 200m XP Achievements

Black names: Inactive or players who have quit

Grey names: Regular players

Blue names: Skillers

Red names: Players who have gone P2P

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Defence Attack:

Strength Strength:
1. Water
2. Meneer Naab
3. Corleone B
4. Barto222229

Defence Defence:

Ranged Ranged:
1. Pietha
2. El Popo1
3. Meneer Naab
4. Barto222229
5. Missoverflow

Magic Magic:

Constitution Constitution:

Prayer Prayer:

Runecrafting Runecrafting:

Dungeoneering Dungeoneering:

Crafting Crafting:

Mining Mining:
1. Serialheated
2. Meneer Naab
3. Maddogonhog
4. speeddrum

Smithing Smithing:

Fishing Fishing:

Cooking Cooking:
1. S Diamant Y
2. Alexern
3. El Popo1
4. Deathkira95
5. Vaarro182
6. Sirhasenfuz
7. Winh
8. Muziekman1
9. Water
10. Missoverflow
11. All Lov3 Me
12. Oskilla2
13. Meneer Naab
14. Lady Lorith
15. Medieval Kid
16. Chrysillia
17. Kadour Ziani
18. Nypon
19. Tawrus
20. Barto222229
21. Syzygy
22. Fluhminator
23. redefinition
24. Dj Ruli
25. Corleone B
26. AlotofSkill
27. Desper
28. Persiflage
29. Brikule75
30. Caxianse
31. Bond4evr
32. Seifador3
33. Makkaravelho

Firemaking Firemaking:

Woodcutting Woodcutting:

Fletching Fletching:

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